Friends of Middleton Park

Friends of Middleton Park

Useful Links and Contacts

This page contains links to other related web sites and online resources. If you have any ideas for links to add to this page, please contact us and let us know.

  • FoMP Facebook Page
    Follow us on our Facebook page.

  • Leeds City Council
    The Middleton Park entry on the Leeds City Council web site.

  • Leeds Young Archaeologists Club meet at the Visitor Centre, usually on the third Saturday morning of each month ...
    Contact: Louise Martin
    Tel: 07986 924962

  • Middleton Railway
    Middleton Railway in the world's oldest working railway, founded as a horsedrawn Waggonway by Act of Parliament in 1758, and first using steam locomotives in 1812. Trains run from their station and Engine Sheds, at Hunslet Moor, into the Park Halt, at the north of the park, on weekends and bank holidays from April to December. Check out their timetable.

  • Leeds Urban Bike Park
    Fantastic Mountain Biking tracks and trail through the woods, bike hire and cafe

  • Middleton Equestrian Centre
    The Equestrian Centre is to the North of the park, near the South Leeds Sports Centre. Their aim is to introduce and provide a fun, sporting activity, and/or career opportunities on behalf of the Riding for the Disabled Association.

  • Wade's Charity
    The Owners of Middleton Park.

  • South Leeds Aero Modellers
    SLAMS fly their aeroplaces from the clearings in the Park.

  • South Leeds Life
    What's happening in Holbeck, Beeston, Cottingley, Hunslet, Belle Isle and Middleton.

  • South Leeds Archaeology
    Local Archaeology and History group who's members have done much work in the park.

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Other Friends Groups in Leeds

  • Friends of Stank Hall Barn
    Stank Hall Barn is a fifteenth century tithe barn in Beeston, Leeds. It is one of the oldest secular buildings in Leeds. It is Grade II* listed and a Scheduled Ancient Monument.

  • Friends of Roundhay Park
    The Friends of Roundhay Park (FoRP) is a charitable organisation formed in 1994 by local Leeds residents who decided to get involved with the Park, rather than just talk about it.

  • Friends of Temple Newsome Park
    Since 1999, the Friends of Temple Newsam Park have been working to improve and protect its many acres of parkland, gardens, wildlife, farmland, historical buildings and more for today and for years to come.

  • Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods
    The Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods (FGVW) aims to protect and enhance the natural beauty of a ribbon of woodland and grassland running about 1.5 km through a suburban area of north Leeds.

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Registered charity no. 1112043. Page last updated 12 August 2020 ©FoMP