Friends of Middleton Park

Friends of Middleton Park

All About FoMP

Local People Working Together

The Friends of Middleton Park (FoMP) were formed in 2003 to promote local interest and involvement in the park and its woodland.

  • Improving Facilities
    We are working with Leeds City Council (LCC) Parks & Countryside department to improve signing, footpaths, seating etc. Together with local schools, we are designing new flower beds, planting bulbs and bringing more colour to the park.

  • Encouraging Use
    FOMP organises free events in the park throughout the year. We concentrate mostly on events over the summer between the beginning of May to the end of September, including our Great Middleton Park show in early Spetember. See coming events for more details.

  • Protecting Wildlife
    The park and woods are full of wildlife. FoMP works with other groups such as LCC Forestry section to protect this wildlife and the habitats it needs to flourish.

  • Promoting Activities
    We work with the Middleton Railway Trust and other local groups to promote the park and all the activities that take place within it.

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FoMP Membership Meetings

Every year, at the Friends' Annual Meeting in November, charity trustees are elected to handle the organisation and business of the Friends.

Members meeting are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7pm, except December, January and February. The meetings are usually held at the Middleton Parochial Hall, on North Lingwell Road, LS10 3SP.

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Joining FoMP

If you are interested in Joining FoMP contact our Membership Secretary...


...or to contact FoMP about other matters...


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Privacy and Data Retention Policy

Members Data - Privacy Policy...

We store personal details,( name, address, telephone number, email address, gift aid declaration) that you provided to us when completing our annual membership form, on a computer database. This is accessible only to the Secretary, Membership Secretary and Treasurer.

We use the information held to provide you with details about the events and activities taking place in the park, by FOMP and by other groups associated with us. We also provide other information concerning the charity, including details of our fundraising activities and financial information.

We keep hard copies of the membership forms to claim gift aid on your donation, where applicable, and as a back up to our electronic records. Gift Aid rules say that we must keep a record of declarations for 6 years after the most recent donation we claimed gift aid on.

We may also send you other information relating to Middleton Park, and other parks, that may be of interest to you as members.

You may see your information held by us and correct it if necessary. You may also ask us to delete your details from the computer database and be removed from the email distribution list. The information is not shared with any third party.

Members have the right to make a complaint about the way we deal with your information. Members may also complain to the Information Commission, direct at their website.

You are not under any statutory obligation to provide your details to us, but please note that we will be unable to provide you with any information about the charity and our work without having your details as above.

Members Data - Retention Policy...

The General Data Protection Rules state that we should keep documents for no longer than is necessary for the needs of the charity.

Under these rules we have identified that we hold different types of data about our members and people attending our events, and use this data in different ways.

Data collected from members, through the completion of a Membership Form, if eligible for gift aid, will be held for 6 years. This is a requirement of the Inland Revenue.

Other member data not used for Gift Aid is collected, from members and the general public, at our events (The Dog Show and The Great Middleton Park Show). This will be retained for 1 year from the date of the event as we use this information to assist with the planning of the following year's event. Please see our privacy policy for further details of how information is used.

Dated: May 2018

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Registered charity no. 1112043. Page last updated 26 May 2018 ©FoMP